Knorr Fix Ratatouille
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"Knorr Fix for Ratatouille - Bell Pepper Vegetables French Style" are the perfect combination of spicy herbs. Just add Bell peppers, potatoes and perhaps some eggplant. The dish is not only delicious but also full of color.
Ingredients: 25% Tomatenpulver, Stärke, Zucker, Zwiebeln, jodiertes Speisesalz, 5,4% Auberginen, 4% Knoblauch, Würze, Palmöl, 1,3% Zucchini, Kräuter (Oregano, Basilikum), Hefeextrakt, Zitronensaftpulver, Pfeffer, Speisesalz, Gewürzextrakte. Kann Spuren von Gluten, Milch, Ei, Soja, Sellerie und Senf enthalten.
Net Weight: 40 g. / 1.28 oz.Country of Origin: Germany