Thanksgiving 2017

I really love, Thanksgiving.  It’s one of my favorite holidays.  The getting up early, washing the turkey getting all of the fixing’s ready.    Peter loved when I made dinner and we always had a full house of family and friends to join with us. 

Since Peter has been gone, Thanksgiving had not been the same although the rituals continue.  Our first two Thanksgiving were at home in Madison, then in Southampton with Matthew and my mother.  In 2014, we celebrated Lucy’s first Thanksgiving. 

On our last Thanksgiving, together with Peter, in 2009 we had a huge celebration of family and friends, Peter went to our friend who created an overlay for our existing dining room table and would hold all of our group of 12 people.  I made two turkeys that year.

 It was always my job to make the dinner.  I'm one of those cooks that doesn’t like anyone else in the kitchen and no one is allowed to bring any food into my house.  I guess it’s a “control” thing.

For the past two years, I haven’t made dinner but instead have gone to Germany and visited Peter’s grave and visited different Christmas Markets with Carolin (Peter's Goddaughter). I will postpone the trip this year until after Christmas missing the Christmas markets this year.

Thanksgiving is about being thankful and I’m thankful for the life I have been given and for the life that I live.   Not everything has been perfect, somethings have been pretty bad and I’ve had my highs and lows.  I’m in a good place to say that I’m thankful for my family, for my son and for my granddaughter Lucy who brings me tremendous joy.  Im forever thankful to all of my friends that have stood by me in the good times and bad and continue to day to be such a special part of my life.  We might not see each other so often but when we do it is as if yesterday. 

Tomorrow, Lucy will spend Thanksgiving with her Mother and her side of the family while I will host dinner with Matthew, my mother and Foster.  I have a turkey in the refrigerator and will wake up and start my ritual….. thankful that I can do this.

 PS  I found an unopened Monopoly maybe we will start a new tradition and play some games

Peter's last Thanksgiving 2009.  Family and Friends to be Thankful.

Me and the Turkey in 2009.

Matthew and is Dad on Thanksgiving 2009.


 Thanksgiving 2012 in Southampton with my Mother and Matthew



Thanksgiving 2016 in Germany with Carolin and Gerald Erdrich and Max.


Lucy's First Thanksgiving 2014


 Matthew's 1st Thanksgiving 1990









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